Coffee of the Day

double tall skim cappuccino

I am a zombie today.

Not because of a nuclear bomb, an airborne zombie-virus, or because I was hunted down and bit by another zombie (that’s how it works, right? I don’t know very much about the zombie genre). No, I am a zombie because of a really awesome weekend. And while that is a perfectly respectable cause, it doesn’t make me feel any better about my current level of exhaustion.

It’s pretty high, in case you didn’t get that already.

My awesome weekend, among other things, was filled with an unbalanced ratio of beer to food (the beer outweighed the food by a lot) and my stomach is a little sensitive this morning. So, I didn’t want to get anything too sugary–but I definitely needed caffeine. The last thing I want today is a caffeine headache. This cappuccino is really hitting the spot. I know Alex said that I was never going to want anybody to make my cappuccino after that one day, but let me tell you: Alvaro makes some mean foam.


Tylenol PM, you are a fickle mistress

This is the reason I am a zombie this morning.

Well, I guess I can’t blame the Tylenol PM entirely. It’s partially my fault.

See, here’s the thing about the weekends: I go to bed late Friday and Saturday, so I sleep late Saturday and Sunday in a well-intentioned attempt to get a full night’s rest. But when I sleep until 10am on Sunday morning, my body isn’t really ready to go to sleep at my normal weekday bed time. Frankly, it’s hard enough to get it to do that on weekdays.

I’ve always been a night owl. Always always always, even when I was a baby. And now that I’m an adult-type person, instead of crying, I’ll just lie there. I’ll be completely exhausted and ready for sleep, but I can’t shut my brain off. Thankfully, the Hubbster is responsible and usually wants to hit the hay around 10:30, so this routine doesn’t usually keep me up too late. Most nights I’m asleep by 11:30 or midnight. Bing bang boom, I’ve got a solid 7-7 1/2 hours of sleep. Last night was not one of those nights. Continue reading

Coffee of the Day

triple grande skim cappuccino... and a scone...

Happy Monday to all!

Alright, you know as well as I do that it is rarely a “happy” Monday. I am beyond exhausted right now–I will reveal the specific reason in my next post, but for now, all you need to know is that I am basically a zombie of a human being this morning. And zombies need scones.

You didn’t know that about zombies? Don’t worry, you have me to keep you in the loop about these things. You’re welcome.