Dear HIMYM: It’s not me, it’s you.

Dear Barney, Robin, Lily, Marshall & Ted:

You used to make me laugh every week. We had some great moments, you and me. Those times I almost peed my pants. The episodes I watched over and over again. The Pineapple, the Duel, the Slutty Pumpkin, the Goat… Sandcastles in the Sand and Let’s Go to the Mall had me rolling on the floor. All the hints and flash forwards kept me interested, trying to figure out if we had met the mother yet and who she could be. Every week I would be so excited for the new episode. And then you started changing on me.

The focus shifted. It was no longer about Ted. And frankly, that was okay. Lily, Marshall, Barney & Robin had become more interesting. Ted, you started getting on my nerves. This break up is mostly your fault. You can’t complain about how you want to get married, and yet constantly go out to pick up chicks with Barney and go on dates with crazy women that we never even see, or women like Zoey who are completely and obviously wrong for you. You don’t want to get married or be happy. At this point, you are just a self-sabotaging tool.

There’s always a lead up to every break up. This has been coming since Robin & Barney broke up. And this past Monday was the last straw. You managed to make me laugh a few times, and things did happen in the show, which was a welcome change. However, everything that happened made me go “What the eff?!” I’m sorry Kumar, but you and Robin have no chemistry. Her life long aversion to marriage and recent struggle with the fact that she can’t have children cannot be cured by you. You’re nice and all, but no. I don’t believe that she would 1) want to marry you and 2) love you enough to want you to find true happiness with someone else.

Barney cannot fall in love with a stripper. I believe that he actually wants a relationship, but not with a stripper. Plus she’s too smart to be a stripper. No offense to strippers. And he’s supposed to end up with Robin. Which brings me to the big reason why I am leaving you…

Mere moments before we find Ted & Robin on the roof, I said to the Hubbster: “You know, they had that episode with Victoria where she told Ted that Robin was his problem, and then they never did anything with it.” That’s when you chose to do something. And that something was so stupid. We’ve been here with Ted & Robin. They dated. They broke up. They have even relapsed. He has been over her for a long time. Or so I thought. If he is still “in love with her” after 7 years and numerous other relationships (including Barney & Robin, who are completely meant to be), how is he supposed to get his shit together for the mother? Tell me that, Carter Bays & Craig Thomas. You told us in the FIRST EPISODE that Robin was not the mother. Remember that? “That’s how I met your Aunt Robin.”

Why are you taking us down this road again?! I can’t do it. I cannot follow you there. So this is it for us. Maybe after some time has passed, if I hear you are doing well, we can sit down over coffee and have a talk about how you’ve grown as a show and why I should take you back. But for now, this is me saying goodbye. It’s been real.



298 thoughts on “Dear HIMYM: It’s not me, it’s you.

  1. This is my first time reading one of your posts, but I could not agree more with this.
    I watched this episode last night on my computer and thought the exact same things! Everything thus far has led us to believe and hope that Robin and Barney end up together; I had completely ruled Ted out of this love triangle equation. I thought the show was way past it…and I too was seriously disappointed that the writers had Ted confess his love to Robin all over again! Great post!


  2. I was contemplating writing a break-up letter to Parks & Recreation this season too — except the last two episodes have been better.

    So there you have it: Maybe HIMYM can change! What then?



  3. Well, I’m only in the second season and so far I’m enjoying. But the succeeding ones couldn’t be that bad? Or could be. Haha. Anyway, we can stop whenever we like. 🙂


    1. Seasons 1 through 5 are great. But after that, HIMYM starts to lose its way. It’s one of those shows that should have ended around Season 6, but its ratings are so good that it just keeps going. I love HIMYM and would like to stick with it, but it’s not as good as it used to be. I could elaborate, but that would require more time on my part, and I have a lot to say about it. But enjoy Seasons 1 through 5–they’re great!


  4. I completely agree! As soon as Ted told Robin he loved her, I said out loud, “Shut UP Ted, you refer to her as ‘Aunt Robin’ to your kids so we all know this little cliffhanger is going NOWHERE.” My mother-in-law has always found the show annoying because she said it could have been wrapped up in the first episode. I’m beginning to see her point!


    1. I had the same reaction. This plot line is ridiculous and I’m so over them taking us down the wrong path. Also, my hubbie feels the same way your mother-in-law does…he can’t stand the show!


  5. I’m still going to keep watching, but I have to confess to a great big ‘WTF?!?!?!’ moment when that happened. I really hope that it’s a mislead, and they are just messing with the fans.


    1. I love Suburgatory, hilarious show! I used to love HIMYM! But it was a lot of really sad and/or stupid episodes and now I am waiting to watch the new season on either DVD or netflix streaming.


  6. I never have been much of a fan. I like the idea of the show in theory, but I feel like they have dragged it on too long. Frankly, two or three seasons would have been sufficient and Robin should be with Ted. The end.


    1. I bought a little orange & black striped ballet-type number complete with a tutu for my little foster puppy for Halloween & told everyone she was dressed as the slutty pumpkin. 🙂


  7. Have a little faith. Let’s see what her reaction is. Or will Ted come to his senses after blurting this out and get his game back. And ps: if you think guys don’t need to move thru a series of rebounds to forget a messy breakup, think again : )


  8. First and foremost thank you for writing this post like a letter. I write in this way as well, and it’s nice to know I’m not the only one.

    Secondly, thank you for sparing me the pain of watching this episode. I was a couple behind, but I may leave it that way. Hopefully this will be the last season. They keep going in circles…


  9. Why are you looking for continuity and quality story-telling from such an obviously shallow sit-com? If it doesn’t make you laugh….find something that does. Not every show is Sex In The City or The Sopranos.


      1. So you started watching it and following the story like you would West Wing? Sit-coms work, not because their characters are well developed and have strong story arches, but because their characters ARE archetypes that can be consistently funny.

        You were looking for love from a boy who only wanted a fling(or that special kind of buddy that you call once a week).


  10. I don’t really watch HIMYM, but I understand your frustration with a show you’ve followed for a long time. I think a lot of shows outlive their original storyline.


  11. I couldn’t have said it better. it’s like Lost, I was intrigued, I wanted to know. But you’ve dragged me around and back again long enough, I can’t handle it. I’m just going to have to wait for the final episode, watch it and hope I understand. If not, I’m sure someone in the internet world will break it down for me.


  12. I’m thinking we’re going to start next week with a, “but now you have to go find the right man kind of thing, because we’ve learned that I (Ted) am not your Mr. Right.” That’s what I’m holding out for, I don’t think that they’re getting back together. I think it’s a comforting, sort of a “I offered to do that for you and you left to Argentina, so look for a man that doesn’t want kids” kind of thing.


  13. Amen! It’s like Elliot and JD on Scrubs – I lost interest when she left Shaun for him and then he broke up with her the next episode. There’s only so many times the writers can do the “will they won’t they” thing before it becomes unrealistic.

    I never liked Ted and Robin together and I was really invested in Robin and Barney.

    The problem is that the show keeps getting extended for another series, so they have to find new ways of dancing around the issue. We know who the mother is – it’s Rachael Bilson’s character’s roommate, so get on with it already!


  14. I’m not 100% on the Barney & Robin train (Barney has said on multiple occasions that he wants kids) but I totally agree with this Ted & Robin plot. We already know she is not the mother. I wish they would stop trying to drag this out.

    I’m still hoping Don will come back and win back Robin.


  15. Reblogged this on lifeofcarbon and commented:
    I feel the same way, but I’m too invested to say good bye now…
    Hopefully the writers of the show will get their crap together and get back to the story instead of trying to stretch it all out!
    If not, then I guess I’ll always remember HIMYM as one of my favorite shows that just got lost at the end. 😦


  16. I completely agree with you! I have been so sick of the run around; seven years and we’ve only seen the Mother’s foot? It’s getting old. And just when you think you’re getting closer to the end of the story, they spin off in a completely different direction.


  17. I don’t think Ted is actually in love with Robin again I think he’s just in a place where he’s lost, sick of looking, and is saying to himself Maybe I’m supposed to be with Robin becasue there is nothing else out there. Its easy to fall back on Ex Girlfriends, especially if they’re still around and if you broke up because logistically you wouldn’t work together, not due to any lack of feeling


  18. I feel the same way, however I am still intrigued and I am sure I will watch next Monday!

    But I was so annoyed at the end of the show.


  19. I really enjoy HIMYM, but it seems to have run its course. If they can’t find any more intermediary story than rehashing the Ted and Robin nonsense, it’s time to find a way to end the show with a bang… while there are still a few of us that care!


  20. Saw this on “Freshly Pressed” and had to check it out. I’m with you, I actually yelled “ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!” because it seems like a waste of time on a plot line that leads no where since we know she isn’t the mother. I’m not giving up but I too am hoping it gets back to the fresh, funny show it used to be.


  21. It’s the peril of prime time TV. If something is pulling decent numbers the suits want it to stay on the air forever. That’s pretty much the reason why LOST ran one season longer than it should have.

    I’m going to hang in with the show for a little while longer but it’s stupid and pointless. You can only go back to the well for the robin storyline so many times.

    It kind of feels like Ted has lost focus while telling his story. He hardly mentions their mother anymore. I think the writers realized they have a limited number of clues and have to parse them out over an unlimited number of seasons.


  22. total agreement! I used to love how quirky they all were in their ways, now their just getting boring. honestly at this point in time I couldnt care who the mother is!

    good blog by the way- you’ve said what we all think!


  23. TOTALLY AGREE. I just said to my hubs that they HAVE to wrap this up soon. How long can it go on? Then they pull the whole Robin & Ted thing…again?!? No. I’ll still watch it but only because I’ve been watching it for so long I have to see how it ends. Kind of like The Office. Not really interested anymore, but have to see it through to the bitter end! (Seriously, what has become of my life?) Also, I am still pissed they took My Boys off the air! I need a life. For real.


    1. I agree with you to some degree. Once you get hooked on a tv series, you can’t help but continue to watch it no matter how terrible it gets just because you want to know what happens.


  24. I agree with parts of this. I actually thought Robin and Kevin were kind of cute, but she is obviously still hung up on Barney. I thought this week’s episode was better than last week’s because it was actually pretty funny where last week’s was just weird…flaming bee suit…really? But I did say “NO WAY?! Seriously?!!” when Ted told Robin he would give up kids for her. I do sort of think we might all be taking it a step too far though. I wouldn’t be surprised if we started the next episode with him saying “5 years ago I would have given up kids for you” blah blah blah back to Barney and the stripper. I’m pretty loyal to HIMYM, so I’m definitely going to stick it out. I’ll let you know if you should give them another shot. 😉


  25. I feel like I wrote this. I completely agree with everything you just said. Its so disappointing where the show has gone. When you can’t even laugh at what Marshall says anymore, you know its over.


  26. I SO AGREE. I just caught up on the last few episodes, and I ended up multi-tasking because they were just dull episodes. I’ll probably keep watching though. It can’t be too long ’til the end, right?


  27. You are so absolutely right in breaking up with this show! ha I loved it at first too; then, I gradually became bored with it as well. It has taken too long to find Mrs. Ted.


  28. oh man, i think they are screening that episode this coming week here…! I know how you feel, but I’m going to continue watching..I have faith that it will come back around, fingers crossed….it has to. I do think they need to end on a high, wrap it up and find the mother already…! Great read…thanks for sharing 😉


  29. I started watching this show from the very beginning on Netflix recently (thank you, instant streaming). Prior to that, I had only seen random episodes here and there. I absolutely love the show. I have not, however, really watched anything this season, but when changing channels the other night, came across the new episode. Of course, I saw the rooftop admission and I said (outloud): “Seriously?! Again?!” i’m hoping it clears up in the next episodes…I really don’t want to see that happen again. And I definitely agree that Robin & Barney are meant to be together, too!!


  30. Any one else disturbed by the plot at all? The whole “hey kids, I slept with this chick A LOT, professed undying love to her all the time, redated a ton, but oh yeah. Shes just a friend, I Love your mom now”


  31. I haven’t watched this year and yet, somehow, I totally know what you are say … wait for it … ing.

    It turns out that I cared more about the relationship between Tom Paris and B’Elanna Torres than I ever did about Ted and some mythical “mother,” which more and more I’m beginning to believe was shortened from something else that wasn’t quite palatable enough for TV.

    High five!


  32. I agree with you 100% I loved this show, but it’s gotten a bit redundant, and you’re right, he did talk about “Aunt Robin” maybe they think we’ll forget! Thanks for writing this break up letter… Great post.


  33. The first two, or maybe even 3 seasons were the absolute best. Afterwords the show kinda went.. bleh. I haven’t seen it yet. I haven’t seen any shows on cable worth watching yet for me to even GET cable so until then. This season of HIMYM and Glee must wait till it gets on Netfix 😉


  34. Don’t you hate when that happens with a show you love. I started enjoying this show later on with Netflix. I watch it with my boyfriend all the time. When shows jump the shark it is seriously disappointing. Great post!


      1. “There was an actual episode of Happy Days, where a guy ACTUALLY jumped a shark. And it was the BEST one.”


  35. Thank you! I started out loving this show so much and wanting it to do well too, but over the years it has become increasingly more annoying and corny. Everyone (namely Ted) on the show needs to move on and get over themselves. That’s the one thing you can say for Friends; they at least all kind of grew up over the course of the show.


  36. I understand and I’ve thought about all of this too. But I need to confess that I like Ted and Robin together, even I’m thinking Robin and Barney will be together. Actually, I shouted when Ted said that (and I’m not the kind of person who root for fiction). I heard – read at internet – Thomas was sorry about take off the chances of Robin be with Ted. Maybe the writers are trying something…. I believe in the talent of the writers (that Christmas’ edpisode with Robin made me cry a lot!), I enjoying this episodes and I believe better will come.


  37. I too have been a dedicated watcher if this show since season one and I respect your opinion and understand some of your frustration. I agree that Robin and Ted need to, to use the show’s own terminology, stop re-returning for each other. Like her custom welcome mat those two need to be hung out to dry. However, I am not ready to give up on the show just yet. I have lost much of my initial character love for Robin since she did not keep her word and he left Nina for her. Since then, I no longer think of them as a good paring. Barney deserves better. As for the reveal of Quinn being a Stripper. I am of the opposite opinion and think it kind of makes sense. But we’ll see if she turns out to be more for him in the end. Maybe Robin can redeem herself by doing what I suspect she will do and tell him she can’t right now. Then I think she will end up dating her “crush” from the time Ted bought those red boots.


  38. I totally agree…it was a completely stupid move for Robin & Ted to say after all those years, and women and several different partners to go “i love you”…the writers so better come up with something that will go take it back to the good old days. I honestly feel the show has kinda dragged on a bit and will need to end soon


  39. Couldn’t agree more with this post, all the reason’s I’ve been frustrated with HIMYM for the last couple of seasons you’ve hit right on the nail. It’s as though now that the writers are trying to drag it out for as long as they possibly can as they’ve always said they’ll keep making it, as long as people keep watching and seeing as viewership hasn’t dropped they are sticking to long drawn out plot lines. They really need to get their act together before the magic of this show is lost completely.


  40. I couldn’t agree with you more. I literally yelled at my tv “Are you KIDDING me?” at the end of the last episode. Barney and Robin are supposed to be together. end.of.story


  41. I used to watch it in syndication, and occasionally catching it in first run. But we really need to just meet her already. The future segment are supposed to be in 2030, and those kids are like 14 and 15 (ish).


  42. What an excellent post! I have loved HIMYM since it began, and I’m still hanging in there, but I, too, have begun to feel a little cheated of late. I’m a few episodes behind, but having read your post wonder whether it’s worth the effort to open up the PVR.
    Anyway, congrats on being FP’d.


  43. Robin and Kumar were never going to stay together. Rule of thumb is: “Do you recognise the actor playing the love interest from another popular film or TV show?” If the answer is yes, they’ll normally be gone within three episodes. If they aren’t in the title credits, they ain’t worth shit. >_>


  44. I only watch HIMYM on occasion, but this is even starting to bug me. Honestly, I’m mostly only watching it now because there’s not much else on. I’ll probably keep watching it, but if something else is on it certainly won’t be my first choice.

    – Kali


  45. They jumped the shark two seasons ago. They should have ended the show with some dignity. It’s purpose was to be a sit-com with a heart, but they over fictionalized it and it lost any heart it may have had. Maybe they just got greedy and wanted to make more money off of it, but it’s just painful to watch at this point.


  46. I feel exactly the same way. The humor, inside jokes, and the developing of romantic tension just seemed to get better every week through seasons 3 or maybe 4, but the magic has long since faded. Ted used to be this awesome, romantic guy and because the writers couldn’t allow him to actually find love, they had to turn him into a whining ninny. Every storyline feels so fake and lacking in chemistry. Barney and Robin had very little chemistry, Barney and Norah had no chemistry, Robin and Kumar had absolutely zero chemistry. Barney’s scenes where he matures or secretly desires a serious relationship always feel false, and every fan knows the show was never intended to go in this direction at the first pitch meeting.


  47. I’m still holding hope that they’ll turn it around this season. I remember reading that the show will end at the end of season 8 (that it was planned that way and they filmed the ending back in the early days so Ted’s son and daughter would be the correct age). I hope that’s true. I think I’ve been able to forgive a few crappy episodes knowing that the end is near!

    I’ve enjoyed most episodes this season though I agree it has started to drag. The slutty pumpkin episode was a huge “meh” for me…it had been years of building up to revealing who the slutty pumpkin was and Katie Holmes just didn’t do it for me.

    I did moan in frustration at the end of the latest episode and felt a little annoyed. I’m hoping the next episode will begin with a new Robin-Ted thang being squelched out immediately and we move on like it never happened.

    Great post though and I completely understand you throwing in the towel 🙂 I’ve done it with so many awesome t.v shows that just turn to crap one day. Worst are the times I hung in there only to be more and more disappointed with each episode! Sometimes it’s better to get out whilst you still have a few good memories left.


  48. At least it lasted a few seasons. I remember LOVING Ed during its first season, but the direction just went so far south during the second season. Sooooooo far! Couldn’t even bring myself to watch the third season after that.


  49. Every word and every reason; I agree with you completely. HIMYM used to have smart writing, ridiculously and endlessly funny jokes, and an enormous heart. But all that seems to be nothing more than a memory now. With this season, the show’s gotten completely lame and totally unfunny. And the fact that it keeps running around circles while Ted is just babbling on and on…it’s just frustrating. In many ways, I’m also done with the show. I mean they’ve been building up to Barney’s wedding for over two seasons now, which is just unbearable at this point. I was hoping they’d jump right into Barney’s wedding at the beginning of this season so they can conclude Barney’s romance and move forward with the main story, How Ted Met Future Mrs. Mosby. But that isn’t the case and it seems to be going all downhill from here, which is a shame because I thought season 6 was a surprising return to form for HIMYM. Well, at least Big Bang Theory is consistent, and it seems to be the only sitcom worth watching.

    Nice post btw. I’d love to read more of your thoughts on HIMYM. Hopefully, it’ll be worth watching sooner or later. I’ll be praying for it. Anyway, keep writing!


  50. I agree, it used to be funny but some of the stuff they do makes me roll my eyes. Honestly the straw for me was when they had the party at Marshal and Lily’s house and you saw the same things three different ways.


  51. Good call about everything! I miss episodes like “Tantrum”, crying over Marshall’s car, and learning more about Robin Sparkles. I really just miss everything that centered around living in the apartment above the bar and trying to look for clues about who the mother might be. I don’t like that Marshall and Lily moved and I was REALLY glad when they broke up Robin and the therapist dude – where was that going??? I mean, even “Friends” found the balance between allowing your characters to grow without totally uprooting them. HIMYM needs to go back to basics and I think everything will be okay.

    But I’m going to stick with it until the owner of the yellow umbrella is revealed. I hope your break up won’t be for long and that this show that we all once adored will win your heart again :).


  52. I had the same “What the hell? Not AGAIN!” reaction. Like you said, they established in the first episode that Robin was merely the aunt, not the mother. Barney and Robin are definitely meant to be, and we know that Ted and Robin don’t end up together, so they need to not go down this road again!


  53. what took you so long jenny? I broke up with them 3 years ago. Join the crowd. tell HIMYM team to STFU and this, “I REALLY DON’T WANT TO KNOW THEIR MOTHER IF YOU ARE GOING TO TELL STUPID STORIES…”
    Like the post.


  54. I feel like I’m just going along with most of the responses I’ve read. I’ve seen most of this show by accident. It’s more of a habit to watch as I haven’t had much enjoyment for it lately. When I watched this most recent episode, I’ve had the same feelings as you. I think we need more progress. I don’t see it going on for much longer without us getting some answers. I might tune into it again, but it’s lost the appeal it once had.


  55. took the words right out of my mouth, but way better. everything i have been feeling towards the show makes so much more sense to me. it’s break up time. thanks for this.


  56. Me and the wife watched the show merely out of respect to the other episodes which drew us in as lifelong fans. When the ending rolled around, a “What the F?” look was smattered across both of our faces. It was a ridiculous ending to an episode that’ll only lead to some weird subplot that still doesn’t won’t make any sense. I like Ted and all, but, like you said, Robin is meant to be with the Barnacle. I mean, clearly they are perfect halves of a whole that the writers can’t seem to bring together. I completely agree with your analysis of the show’s progress, if I can get away with calling it that. I understand your decision to throw in the towel. Unfortunately for me, I’m a glutton for punishment and I’m pretty sure I will tune in next week to see just how messy the writers will make the story line.


  57. Here’s what happens:

    Ted is telling the kids how he met their mother, sure, but those are not his kids. He’s just Uncle Ted, telling the story to the kids of how he met their mother.

    Ted is destined to be alone. he will always be alone. Those aren’t his kids, I don’t know whose kids they are, but they ain’t Ted’s.


  58. I broke up with John Cusack on my blog last year for similar let downs but I never imagined breaking up with several people at once! So harsh and cruel…though deserved. Hopefully being on the rebound won’t send you over to Two and a Half Men.


  59. Actually I was excited when I first knew there’s gonna be a new season.. but then I haven’t watched a full whole episode for once, but I know a lot has changed in the show (the “aura”), and them looking like a lot more serious than before. I’m also confused why Robin and Ted are always so mushy with each other, knowing that she is eventually not gonna be the mother of Ted’s kids. And I also want Robin and Barney to end up together, so that Barney would get serious with his life.


  60. Damn straight! I was actually angry at the TV, and it wasn’t even the poor TV’s fault. You said it perfectly in this post. I even looked at my wife and said, “No, there’s no way this is happening…the next episode will start with a ‘just kidding.'” Let’s hope so….


  61. very well expressed…i followed HIMYM till season 3 and then i gave up as i couldn’t see anything sensible coming up and i heard that it stretched till season 6 and ted haven’t yet found his partner so it gave me mroe reason not to watch it anymore.
    I hope the directors of HIMYM and directors of similar shows read ur post and learn something from it before losing their audiance.


  62. Yep, that’s pretty much what I was thinking. Honestly, I kind of hate Robin. She’s so selfish, not to even be open the possibility of one day maybe wanting kids. I mean, if she adopts she won’t even have to deal with crying all night (assuming she doesn’t adopt a baby).
    Ok, sorry. Rant over.


  63. Oh my god. You just put everything I felt about HIMYM into words!
    I mean come on…Ted and Robin AGAIN! Its like they realize there cannot be any more twists, so BAM! ted and robin…
    I actually started laughing out of frustration after seeing the ridiculouly LAME end!


  64. Sigh. But then again, it somehow seconded my theory about the mother being dead, and Robin being the back-up wife… 0.0 hahaha

    But your post is awesome. 😀


  65. this how is ok, i actually enjoyed it better during it’s first season like most cbs show’s. I dont get it really, i mean im a big bang theory fan and from that and all the other comedy shows on there it just seems like they lost their writers or something. Some one should look into writing for them – those jobs must be open for shop!!! -,o


  66. Great post! Congratulations on making it to ‘Freshly Pressed’!

    How I Met Your Mother used to be my favourite TV show but the latest season has been sadly trying. I feel they are trying too hard. The relaxed fun of the first few seasons has vanished. I just hope they get back on track soon.


  67. I couldn’t agree more. This show is just taking us on a wild and completely irrational roller-coaster just to put off the inevitable. They’re basically just trying to stay on the air, and the only way they can do that is if they don’t reveal who the mother is. Honestly, it’s getting old.


  68. I could never get into HIMYM – the episodes I’ve seen always seem too focussed on being clever rather than funny, which isn’t altogether the purpose of a sitcom. I’m aware that this may not be entirely fair, but my heart belongs to Big Bang Theory…

    Anyway, really well written post, congratulations on being freshly pressed!


  69. Hey, I totally agree with the fact that HIMYM is loosing all it attraction. After 7 years and many meaningless stories the producers cannot really expect us to follow it anymore. We have be promised a happy ending and nothing is happening at all. Ted is becoming more a looser every time and the lives of Barney, Robin and Ted are more and more miserable. They don’t show the kids anymore, I think they finally ran away. Bye bye HIMYM!


  70. I’m in the UK (and a series behind you!) so there were a few spoilers (I’ll get over it) BUT I completely agree with you on the points you’ve made! I am becoming increasingly disenchanted with HIMYM recently, and I’m glad that I have your blog to send to my friends in defense of my actions. Some of them haven’t quite got the stones to break up yet… they’re staying in this abusive relationship because they think it will get better, but I prefer your take on things. I’m going to break free for now and perhaps consider meeting for a coffee some time in the future if I hear they’re doing well.
    They’ve just broken too many hearts….


  71. Oh I’ve been feeling the same way! So now I’ve switched to following The Big Bang Theory. And the one irritating thing about it as well is that Leonard reminds me of Ted :/


  72. Although I absolutely love HIMYM, I’ve never keenly followed it, so I don’t really know what the big picture is what the show is all about. But even so, I enjoyed reading this post of yours.


  73. I think you just went into my brain and put down in words exactly what I was thinking. EXACTLY. I quit HIMYM just last week. So didn’t get to see this week’s, what sounds like, usual guff from HIMYM.

    I no longer laughed anything. You’d be lucky if I even smirked at a joke in it. It has just stopped being funny. Barney’s become a caricature of what he started out as, as have Lily and Marshal. Robin’s flat out boring now. And Ted? Well the less said the better!

    The fact that there’s 2 more years worth of the show that has to be got through? I’m jumping while I still can!


  74. Great to see your post on Freshly Pressed! I used to LOVE HIMYM (I am a UK watcher so not completely up to speed with the latest episode in the US)! I was addicted and missed them all between each episode. Writing that made me cringe but that is how great I found the show. Now, pfff, I can catch up with the books I have been meaning to read!


  75. I totally agree with you. As I was watching the last episode, I thought “NOT F’N AGAIN”, re-hashing a storyline that you know is with Aunt Robin. Sigh. I think they’re running out of ideas — i.e. this show should slowly wind down.

    Congrats on being pressed freshly!


  76. Reblogged this on Writer’s Block and commented:
    HIMYM isn’t the story about the mother; the creators were clear about that when commenting. But I agree that they should not have done that with Ted and Robin. We were already done with Ted and Robin. Weren’t we ready for Barney and Robin? Wasn’t there closure with Ted and Robin? It just didn’t make sense.


  77. Reblogged this on

    The story of How I Met your Mother isn’t about the mother anymore. It’s about the lives of the four friends from their 20s to their 30s… kind of like Friends. The creators made it clear that it’s about their lives more than the mother. Look at it in a sense as the new Friends. Remember you were frustrated with the Ross/Rachel dynamic?

    But I have to agree with the whole Ted thing. This was an absolute mistake. The Ted and Robin thing has been done to death already. It’s been years since they broke up, and we’ve already seen its closure. Why again? Why ever again?


  78. I agree completely. The show lost its way. And to think those first two seasons had such memorable, defining episodes. Its falling off just like Scrubs did…not enough to say and unwilling to wrap it up.


  79. I totally agree with every word. I had a bad feeling about this season from the very moment we saw the glimpses of Barney’s wedding which basically screamed, “no! you will not know anything more about the mother this season, suck it!”,
    Im defiantly feeling as bored as “Future-narrator-Ted’s” kids have looked since episode one.


  80. I haven’t watched nearly as many episodes, but still agree. The show had some really funny moments but I lost patience with Ted and had to stop celebrating Barney’s womanizing ways. It helps that I’ve never liked Robin, but that’s another comment for another day. 🙂 I do miss Marshall and Lilly. I started enjoying their stories more than the other characters’ escapades. Frankly, I just lost patience with the endless ‘mother’ teasers. There’s her foot! There’s a yellow umbrella! Is it finally her?! NOPE, TUNE IN NEXT WEEK. Annnnd channel change. 😛


  81. I totally agree with you. I don’t like the direction HIMYM is heading right now.
    From the beginning of the 7th season I always had a little bit of a strange feeling watching the show, but i never really thought about it.
    You kind of openend my eyes. I really hope they can turn it around. I think nobody wants Robin and Ted back together or even that one of them is in love with the other.
    I’m getting the feeling they just want to stretch the show for another 2 season or something.
    Really enjoyed reading your post.


  82. You know I must’ve moved on from this show as well…w/out even realizing it. Because I hadn’t watched any of this season’s shows and just caught up by reading your blog. Thank you, now I really don’t need to watch it at all! I too am loving Suburgatory and has anyone tuned into Once Upon a Time! Love it!


  83. I watch the reruns all the time, but I don’t keep up with the current episodes so I’m kind of shocked to hear that they’re going down the road of Ted and Robin AGAIN. You’re completely right: we already know it’s not going to work out, so why do they keep doing this to us?


  84. I haven’t been watching the current season, but definitely not surprised. It seems like writers fear an audience loosing interest once a couple is finally in a committed or married relationship. They’re able to do this with “supporting characters” but seem to hesitate to do this to a more major story line, for example: Scrubs, Friends, HIMYM and you end up disliking the characters. I mean, who wasn’t annoyed with Ross by the last season of friends, and my husband and I felt that way about Ted after about 7 episodes and kept watching because of enjoyable side characters.


  85. Take up the British show “Gavin & Stacey.” It’s only 3 seasons long, because the Brits know how to respect a story enough to end it when it needs ending. Also, it is absolutely the most hilarious and heartwarming show I have ever seen. I won’t give up on HIMYM though. I love it for what it is! 🙂


  86. I had the same reaction – Ted and Robin are so horrible together, but I’m thinking she’s not going to be stupid enough to go down that road. I really hope not, at the very least, it’d only make for another few episodes before their inevitable break-up and be a huge waste of time.

    Plus, Barney + Robin 4evs… yeah, I said it. xx


  87. Oh my gosh, to be honest, there were a couple spoilers in there for me, because I just finished season 6 on netflix… but I totally feel ya… It’s sorta like how Scrubs kinda got lame there in the end… I feel like they’ve been so successful with HIMYM that they’re trying to prolong the climax until everyone decides it’s time to end the series… I hope it get’s better… In the mean time, Me and HIMYM are on a hiatus until I acquire season 7…


  88. I haven’t watched HIMYM in a while so, again? I love the show, adore it, but I just want to find out who Ted’s freak’in wife is already! And who Barney marries! UGH! Maybe it will pick up soon.


  89. I used to love HIMYM, too, but I got tired of trying to guess who the mother is. I have a short attention span, and I’m guessing so do a lot of people. We can afford to, when there are many shows to invest ourselves in.

    There are fans who still believe that Ted and Robin would end up together, with all sorts of convoluted justifications. I hope HIMYM will NEVER go down that path.


  90. I used to like this show, and in some ways I still do. But I don’t watch it anymore because it’s starting to feel like dragging. I think the mother is Barney’s sister. Just a guess.


  91. We use to be HIMUM obsessed… but maybe its the mainstream media bombarding us with ALOT of neil patrick harris, but somehow this latest season, we’ve grown weary of this series. We’re sure if we tuned in we’d enjoy an episode! We do love the hilarity of the cast overall, Robin is our favourite. Maybe its our Canadian pride, but we love all the stereotypical canadian jokes every so often. Also jason segal truly shines with his comedic style.

    We are now paying alot of attention to Suburgatory and 2 Broke Girls. New girl is another great show, the newest sexiest prime time cast.

    Here we thought sitcoms we’re long gone with the arrival of reality TV, but it sure seems like the classic sitcom recipe is the key for a successful show. But as soon as the jokes get cheesy, we’re through!

    The Eye


  92. For the last couple of years I’ve been thinking…this HAS to be HIMYM’s last season…yet they keep renewing it, over and over. I quit watching regularly last year. It hasn’t been funny for a very long time now, so I can only imagine that the producer is related to someone high up at the network. The only thing I care about anymore is WHO is the mother? Cupcake Girl, maybe?


  93. Bahaha! This is exactly how I’ve been feeling for a while! I totally agree. I haven’t even watched this season, but the whole “Robin + Ted = nothing, because we already know she isn’t the mother” thing needs to stop!


  94. I agree. I think the show became heavier than when it started. It is no longer the easy and light fun show I used to effort to watch everyday.


  95. Wow, 162 responses, so mine if going to be a mere drop in the ocean. I just wanted to say what a wonderful post! I couldn’t agree more. The problem is, HIMYM seems to think that the show has to end when we find out who the mother is (which is why they are painstainkingly stretching it out so much, but I don’t agree. The show could definately go on once he meets the mother.


  96. SO TRUE! Barney and Robin are meant to be. It pissed me off so bad when Robin didn’t leave Dr. Whats-his-face to be with Barney when he finally was ready for her, but I figured they’d still get together in the end. Pissed me off again when they teased us with the episode where they pretend Robin and Barney had two kids together, but it was pretty obvious that that wouldn’t really be what happened. If they continue with this Ted and Robin thing, I’m going to be even more pissed. I’m convinced that she’s just going to laugh in his face next Monday though. They really can’t do this again.


  97. You are so right! When I saw the scene on the roof between Robin and Ted, I almost cry.
    It was bad enough when she thought shw was pregnant… I don’t know. Maybe it’s the moment that the mother finally appears.


  98. Reblogged this on MZKE and commented:
    Sorry for not writing anything myself today, but I couldn’t agree more! Check the original blog here:


  99. This is so true! The show was awesome from seasons 1-5! At one point I thought it’d reach a level similar to FRIENDS, but alas, now it’s a pathetic excuse for a Sitcom. Even the jokes aren’t that funny anymore. The talented Jason Segel is being wasted so much, he’s started to be that annoying member of the gang. Ted is GAY. I mean, the show isn’t even about the mother anymore. If it wasn’t for the saving grace of NPH, the show would have been cancelled ages ago.


  100. Know what’s so funny? I had the same reaction. The first place my mind went was, “That’s how I met your aunt Robyn.” Also, this show has gotten a little too serious for itself. There are still clever moments, but the second I heard the stripper that Barney is falling for’s name is Karma, I was like oh great, we’re in for another heartbreak there too. I didn’t mind Kevin and Robyn together, but like you said, we know she has to end up with Barney. I’m still watching, but it sits in my DVR for a few days beforehand.


  101. I wonder if it’s another fake out a la Robin declaring she was pregnant only to say in the next episode that she wasn’t sure just thought she was. I don’t know. The show is forced to walk around in circles until the mother is met.


  102. You’ve given me valuable backstory, since I’ve just started watching the show and watched most of last Monday’s episode. I read an article in The AV Club about how the show creators would keep going until at least the 10th season, so I’m guessing that gimmick about talking to the kids might end up alienating viewers along the way (as a writer, I’d much rather have a Brazilian wax than attempt stringing along viewers for so long).


  103. My girlfriend and I felt the same way. We can abide by virtually everything else in the episode, but Ted revealing that he’s always loved Robin was the final straw. Pull yourselves together, How I Met Your Mother. If the next episode begins with Ted exclaiming, “April fools!” it will not redeem the fact that this show is not so much written as it is ambling along a crooked pathway, drunkenly stumbling into everyone it meets and bumping its head on every low-hanging branch.


  104. Great post, very well written and entertaining!

    I usually see the show in syndication rather than during it’s regular time, so for me each episode is more stand-alone than part of a defined flow. That being said, I think I continue to watch for the same reason many of you do, and that’s because I really love the characters involved. Ted IS whiny, and Barney IS insecure and the others have their problems, but no matter: I really like them so I’ll hang around and watch. I did a quick count on the replies here, and there were well over 100. That says a lot about how people really feel about the show. We complain, but it’s a good bet most of us are not going anywhere. Plus, it gives me a reason to bug my wife telling her how legendary it’ll be.

    Great post!


  105. Brilliant, I watched this episode before I was going to sleep last night and I was so angry after it was over! WHY OH WHY ARE THEY DOING THIS!! Also….Ross and rachel re-trying the relationship similarities, did they never ever watch friends!!!??? Ted and Robin would have saved a lot of time if they just stayed to the original ‘we don’t want the same things’ I am so angry even thinking about it now, she is not the mother, stop trying to waste time confusing us!


  106. THANK YOU. The problem with the show is that it becomes stale. The concept is so heavy that it’s only sustainable for a few seasons before it gets stale.

    Hear ye: I am making a prediction.

    The response to this is clearly huge. Therefore, people are disenchanted with the show. It will be canceled. They will have to wrap it up quickly. The last five or so episodes will be amazing because they’ll have to pack in all the stuff they’ve been holding out for.

    And then Jason Segel and I will get married.


  107. it’s them getting old maybe…’s just maybe we have to give other show a chance…the SNL still cracks me up ^_^ I used to love barney too not until he got babies with another man… I mean in real life ~


  108. Thank you for writing this post. You voiced exactly how I feel about How I Met Your Mother. it is getting so draggy, I mean, I don’t think they have even mentioned the mother at all in the past five or six episodes. It’s like the mother doesn’t even matter anymore.

    I groaned out loud when Ted confessed his love to Robin. It’s so messed up. This relationship has been going on for seven years. I mean, Ted, make up your mind. Either commit to finding your wife or commit to being a manwhore. Make up your mind, HIMYM.


  109. Yes, they are stretching it a little too much…in a nutshell – now nobody cares who the mother will be, as you rightly said the focus has been shifted from Ted. Seventh season really has been a disappointment!


  110. Greetings from the UK. Tried in vain to watch this show a couple of times, but i’m afraid it didn’t raise a smile for me even once. Terrible show.
    Big Bang Theory on the other hand, now that is brilliant!


  111. i think the problem is inherent to the sitcom formula. we, as people, have told tv and movie studios that we essentially want the same thing over and over again. “That was great!” we say after we watch something. “now do it again!” at least that used to be true – as time has gone by, we’ve asked for more complexity out of our entertainment, and I think we’ve left the sitcom genre behind. it seems like HIMYM would be a long story arc, complicated show, but at the same time, they’re trying to give the audience the same thing over and over again and sustain the show forever while advancing the story arc, and those first two points are in direct conflict with the third. Hence, you’re very understandable need to get out.


  112. My thoughts are that the title really restricts what they can do. There’s only so many random stories Ted can tell before he actually has to tell his kids who their mother is. And if it was any of the characters that we’ve already seen, then surely he would have already met them and the show would be over? They need to wrap it up and finish it, it’s loosing its charm :-/ Part of me thinks this theme would have worked better as a film, or a one series show.
    But who knows?


  113. SPOILER ALERT to those just now picking up the show.

    Wow, I think I disagree with you, but not about the show turning sour. That is 100% accurate. I stopped watching last season.

    It seems like you want more of the exact things that made me stop watching. I watched the show because it made me laugh. It’s a sitcom. I’m supposed to laugh. Then they started stringing me down sad roads of heart break and inner turmoil. Barney became something I was meant to sympathise with. Robyn needed to be cured of her relationship phobias. And yes Ted became very Ross-like. Then the last straw, I had to feel for Marshal because his dad died. At that point no amount of “sandwiches” could bring me back. My wife still watches, and sometimes I look up, but now it’s with the same interest I have towards her Grey’s Anatomy and Glee.


  114. I’ve never seen the show but if I were to have seen it when you did, it would have been sentiments exactly. Just can’t get into that show. Tried watching it for about three minutes once. It was two and a half minutes too long. In just can’t get in to sitcoms these days. Odd too, because I really love to laugh.

    Nicely done though….congrats.



  115. I totally agree- I was a loyal fan of the show but this season I’ve only been semi-excited to keep up. At some point, the whole Ted-Robin thing gets old when obviously she belongs with Barney! And Robin can’t be the mother, because the mother is the roommate of Ted’s student- so why are we wasting time when we all just want to meet her!


  116. I feel for you. Breakups are hard. I may be the rebound fan of HIMYM. I pretty much missed out on the whole series while dealing with a real life breakup. Oh so much TV I’ve missed!! So courtesy of Netflix and reruns on Lifetime, I’ll take your Ex. After all it’s all new to me. All those annoying quirks and old stories– well it’s fresh to me. I haven’t been living with it for years, so I’m not tired of it all and it hadn’t broken promises to me or taken me for granted. I’m the replacement fan — all smiles, unicorns and rainbows. Until I see the flaws, until I’m disappointed, because it is the same show after all. But until then? I’ll sport my new old show with pride like I just found a shiny new penny.


  117. I know HIMYM just keeps hurting me, but I know HIMYM doesn’t mean to. I think I’ll give them one more chance. I know they want to change. The good times were just so good. I know if I give HIMYM one more chance that they won’t hurt me again. They never mean to hurt me.


  118. I love the show…but I feel they should have just ended it before Robyn and Barney broke up….just tell us who the Mom is already because it is starting to become really dragged out…and if the Mom isn’t Robyn wouldn’t it be a little weird for Ted to be constantly telling his kids he hand a thing for her.?!?!


  119. Eliminating all the could be mothers we held onto for years? Slutty pumpkin was Katie Holmes vies for disappointment fo the season. Robin with Kutner? (Kumar would be funny). And Barney looking to settle? That’s how Fonzie was ruined. Season 8 is a big back of suck ass.


  120. yeah me too.. i can’t remember when’s the last time HIMYM series.. it’s taking so long and their new eps is so dragging and a bit boring actually.. i have loved HIMYM since first season.. and bid farewell for a while, but then again it got me thinking of what’s the development, so i watched the missed eps and I always got disappointed. 😦


  121. I abandoned HIMYM half-way through Season 5: it got more and more irritating …I couldn’t take anymore of that ‘but that was NOT your mother’ or ‘that was the place were years later I’d be meeting your mother’. Who and where is the mother??? I don’t care anymore, frankly!


  122. Saw this post on the WordPress home page. We used to watch this show quite a bit, but I’ve gotten tired of waiting for it to decide if it’s funny or serious. Sticking with 2 Broke Girls, Modern Family, and The Middle.


  123. I felt this way about HIMYM a long time ago. The first time I heard soft music and saw Lilly/Marshall have a melodramatic “I love you” moment, I was done. This show catches my attention (how could it not, the boyfriend has all the seasons) but I have come to the conclusion that it’s a soap for men.

    Big Bang FTW.


  124. I agree to a point. What are they doing to Robin? and that relationship with Ted again? That will be short-lived I’m sure. I still love the show as I think that it’s more creative than most. Someone called it a shallow sit-com. I disagree as I love the characters and think that Jason Segal is not just a great actor but also, writer and producer. He wrote Forgetting Sarah Marshall which I thought was a very unique comedy. The biggest disappointment in HIMYM is, like the way of the show Friends and umpteen sit-coms before and after they have to get the main characters to sleep together and when viewers get sick of that, they switch partners like they’re swingers. Gross. That’s poor writing and so common.
    Although HIMYM is my favorite show a close runner-up is Modern Family. I have yet to see a blah episode of it. I find myself laughing out loud even if I watch it alone.
    Your blog is great…..thanks for sharing!


  125. A-to the-MEN! I was stoked for a new episode.. then, BAM! We start all over again. We’ve been here. We’ve run the Ted & Robin relationship INTO THE F*CKING GROUND! I am ready for another episode that can be properly referred to as Legen..wait for it… DARY!


  126. I’m in the 4th season right now (at this point, both Ted and Robin have both moved way on), but heard about this recent spoiler, and I myself was like “WHAT THE HECK?” and doubted whether I should keep watching. At this point, I’ll watch up to where Ted turns 31 (the one with the goat) and see how it goes. Someone also commented that it had gotten less funny. Ah, but I soooo want to know who the mom is!!!!


  127. Lovely post about How I Met Your Mother, really made me chuckle and I myself have recently stopped watching the series. However I have stopped watching for opposite reasons, I hate the fact that Ted and Robin broke up and I really want them to be together, I hate Barney, and the only reason I can stand him is because he is gay in real life,lol. But it does seem that they are taking us round the bend in the series, and I am sure they have lost a lot of viewers, hurry up and end so we know who the damn mother is!!


  128. I have to say that I’ve only been watching HIMYM in the last few months. I’ve been streaming it on Netflix and catching up with the recent ones on tv, so I haven’t put in the time investment that you have over the years, but I’ve gotten invested quickly – like getting engaged in a short amount of time! LOL Anyway, I was SO ANGRY at the end of this episode. Not only was I upset that she was looking like she was going to marry the therapist, but then when TED professed his love again, I almost lost my shit! They’d better fix this – because Barney’s wedding is to Robin… I just know it!


  129. Agreed.. This season has been stale in comparison to earlier seasons. you can feel the writers struggling with ideas and each episode feels unfocused and more like a filler episode until we get to the conclusion..

    Though we don’t know how she will respond and there is still a chance that Robin will end up with Barney..


  130. I totally agree specially the part of Robin’s relationship, I never liked the character or the actor but more important: there’s no chemistry

    I have arrived to the same conclusion I gave up for a while… let’s see what happends next


  131. Great breakup letter!!! I don’t think anyone wants to see the Robin/Ted scenario rehashed. They are as old news as is toed socks or bagel toasters. I don’t know if I can stop watching. I started HIMYM and I want to see it through to the end. If it’s a disappointment, then I will concur accordingly, but in the meantime, I sincerely believe that Carter Bays, Craig Thomas and the other writers are just misleading the audience again with shock value. We know Robin never marries and we know that Ted ends up with a girl that was at the bar the night he and Barney charged Dom Perignon to some other dudes tab. As a matter of fact he bumps into her and says, “Excuse me!” or something to that effect. The story line is secondary for me any ways. The story of Ted meeting his wife is really just a gimmick or loose plot to make a show about five friends in Manhattan and there unconventionally hilarious lives. Admittedly, the writing is suffering slightly in the current season, but I don’t think it’s altogether unwatchable. I wish you and your hubby well in your breakup with HIMYM. It can be hard. No matter what you do though, don’t pick up that remote and “call” her again. She’ll just end up stomping all over your heart by mixing the whole story up and saying that Robin and Lily get a divorce, Barney really is just an insecure asshole who never lets his true self shine and therefore remains a bachelor forever and that there is no “Aunt Robin” and that Ted and Robin really do end up together!!!


  132. I KNOW! The Robin thing. They made us want Robin to be the mother, then want Robin for Barney, they told us Robin couldn’t have kids. Now this? Why. Let her be a part of the group and stop making her life dramatic.


  133. Wow harsh! Breaking up with them so publically. But I suppose it could be worse. You could have done it by text message, if you had their number, which you don’t I presume. But you can’t have everything.


  134. I couldn’t agree more, and your breakup is 100% justified…but…(don’t hate me for instigating debate!!!) 🙂 …

    Obviously, nobody wants to see Ted/Robin happening. It’s SO not meant to happen. I kind of doubt the creators were thinking that anyone was going to cheer at the end of that episode. It was supposed to instigate an eye roll. And the reason it pisses us off so much? Wait for it…

    Because we all are Ted. Or we know Ted. Ted is either us or our best friend, brother, in-law, whatevs. Ted is doing the thing where he knows what he wants (family, true love, commitment), but he knows where he is (the skanified life down Barneytown). He wants out but he doesn’t know the first exit onto the highway, so he’s blindly spinning his wheels on the first opportunity he sees – with the only girl he’s ever really had a truly “successful” relationship with.

    And we all either have done this or know someone who has and kicked ourselves/them for it – because it IS really stupid. Because there are legit reasons for why that thing ended and of course it shouldn’t be drudged up, if anything because the other person more than likely realizes this and is going to curb stomp your dreams before they’re even fully formed.

    So what we’re really eye-rolling and groaning over isn’t just Ted being a drunken monkey co-pilot of his own life… it’s all of us. So of course that’s going to be frustrating, but there are a lot of times when people put themselves in frustrating situations because they’re stupid humans who don’t see that they’re being stupid. HIMYM has proven to us that life is about the journey, not the destination – the good (the Pineapple) and the bad (last week’s episode) are both things that have to be experienced to appreciate it fully.


  135. I feel exactly the same way! The show is changing which I was okay with but the new developments are terrible. He just needs to meet the mom already, I think it would be cool to see their relationship develop through the episodes.
    I also agree about Barney and Robin, they need to be together and I think it was a few steps backwards to get him interested in a stripper. I’m hoping that won’t last. As for Robin, Kevin was not a good match for her or the show. I was so excited in that episode when she was talking her her “kids,” and they were Barney’s, so I was upset when that wasn’t real. But, I still was hoping that they would be together.
    All in all, HIMYM needs to step up their game and get back to the reasons why the show was great in the first place!


  136. I thought the same thing as you when the rooftop scene came. That’s a case where what the audience expected (that Barney would meet her on the roof) would have been the better road to take.

    I won’t stop watching the show, as I’m not that serious about it anyway. I’m a casual viewer, so I’m not as invested as you.


  137. Nooooo…it’s just the dark before the dawn! I figured this is Ted “giving up” – he knows full well Robin isn’t “The One”, but he *does* love her and he just doesn’t care about his dreams anymore. He’s feeling tired and jaded (for like…two minutes, anyway…), and Robin will see through his nonsense and call him on it.

    And Barney keeps having crushes on random girls to pull himself away from his old comfort-blanket skanky ways, but he’s not going to fall in love with a stripper. He’s obviously going to marry Robin. But he’d better start shaping up soon, the stupid dill-hole. I’m getting tired of his crap.


  138. I completely agree with everything you said… I can’t help but think that this could have all been avoided if they had called the show something else. Seriously what child is going to sit there through 7 years worth of Dad tales anyways?!
    They should have called it, “reflections of my life and love” or, “that chick from Buffy and Doogie Howser” 🙂


  139. I loved the episode where Ted confesses his love for Robin for a few reasons.

    1. Even if we all knew she was just going to be Aunt Robin, we all knew this was going to lead somewhere, which, from the new episode, we saw that it did.

    2. Ted is a confused guy at heart, just looking for love, and what he did was realistic and I definitely empathized with him.

    3. The follow up episode was handled very delicately and maturely and would even go in my top 15 episodes of the series.


  140. Hi. I don’t know you but I happened upon this post and I did agree with you. However, like Drake pointed out, you stopped watching a week too soon. This was absolutely what needed for Ted to move on. I’m gonna continue to watch because I think this is leading somewhere. That last ep was a great one. But nice post anyways 🙂


    1. I actually did catch snippets of it, as the Hubbster still hasn’t given up. It still didn’t really make me want to continue. The end was a big tease, and I’m just tired of the run around.


  141. I agreed with you 100%, but this last episode did finally and definitively put an end to the Robin/Ted romance and made it clear it was time for Ted to move on. This gives me some hope.


  142. Saw a pretty funny graphic today about the likeness of HIMYM to Friends. Never thought about it but they are the same show…except Ross ends up with Rachel…but you get the point…


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