Hollywood is manipulating me with fairy tales… and I like it


Let’s take a look at this past season of television, shall we?

Both NBC and ABC attempted to capitalize on my ‘I-like-fairy-tales-even-though-I’m-a-grown-up’ mentality. NBC with Grimm, and ABC (of course, backed by Disney) with Once Upon A Time. To be honest, I wasn’t that excited to watch them. But it wasn’t because they weren’t in my wheelhouse. On the contrary, I love this kind of stuff. But I’m not gonna lie–I didn’t think either show would last an entire season, let alone get renewed. I figured that they would either have nowhere to go with the plot and suck, or that they would be good, but get canceled. And since I don’t have a Nielsen box in my house (and therefore what I watch doesn’t matter), I decided to wait it out a bit before I committed to them. Though my sister says it’s good, I never got into Grimm (but I’ll probably catch up on it over the summer). I did, however, get into Once Upon A Time. Hard core. Once I finally let myself start it, they had me hooked from the very first episode. Continue reading